I want to create one global array of objects (One object per possible thread spawned by OpenMP
) and reuse it throughout the program. Each thread will read its number using omp_get_thread_num
and use it to index into the array.
How can I get the maximum number of OpenMP
threads that may be created during the whole execution of the program?
The documentation of omp_get_max_threads
says that this function is specified to return a value which is specific to the particular parallel region where it was invoked
– Maximum number of threads of parallel regionDescription: Return the maximum number of threads used for the current parallel region that does not use the clause num_threads.
Whereas the wording of MSDN documentation implies that the value returned by omp_get_max_threads
outside a parallel region is the same value that would be returned in any other point.
Returns an integer that is equal to or greater than the number of threads that would be available if a parallel region without num_threads were defined at that point in the code.
Which one of them is correct?