I can't figure out how to pass to a conditional macro the values of a dataset variable. Let's say we HAVE:
data HAVE;
input id name $ value ;
1 pluto 111
2 paperino 222
3 trump 333
4 topo 444
I would like to use dataset variable name inside a sas conditinal macro to make other IF conditions.
What i mean is to use this code with another IF step before the conditional macro (or inside the conditional macro)
options minoperator mlogic;
%macro test(var) / mindelimiter=',';
%if &var in(pippo,pluto) %then %do; "if &var"n = name; end;
%else %do;"mod &var"n = name;end;
%mend test;
data want;
set have;
For example:
options minoperator mlogic;
%macro test(var) / mindelimiter=',';
if name = &var then do;
%if &var in(pippo,pluto) %then %do "if &var"n = name; %end;
%else %do; "mod &var"n = name; end;
%mend test;
but the IF name = &var is always true... there's some problem with using the name dataset variable inside the macro.
EDIT AFTER first answer
example code of conditioning inside the conditional macro:
%macro test(var) / mindelimiter=',';
%if &var in(pippo pluto) %then %do;
if name = 'pluto' then ifif_&var. = name;
if_&var. = name;
%else %do;
mod_&var. = name;
%mend test;
it' just an example off course it's almost useless.
or write the code to a file and then using%INCLUDE
to run the generated code. – Tom