
I have created an custom authentication endpoint, like https://www.custom-auth.localpc, which is being redirect to by WSO2 when i try to login. However, when I click in OK and send the POST back to http://localhost:9443/commonauth, WSO2 replies with a 302 that redirects to http://localhost:9443/https://www.custom-auth.localpc?loginStatus=true.

When I checked the console log, I found the following error:

ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.handler.request.impl.DefaultRequestCoordinator} - Exception in Authentication Framework org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.exception.FrameworkException: No authenticator can handle the request in step : 1

The service provider that requests the login is correctly configured because it works with WSO2 default authentication endpoint.

Any thought on this?

Can you please enable debug logs as mentioned below and share the log. Open up <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/log4j.properties file. Uncomment below line log4j.logger.org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework=DEBUG. Restart Server. Initiate the authentication flow. Share the log in console or <IS_HOME>/repository/logs/wso2carbon.logMalithi Edirisinghe

2 Answers


So, the issue was quite simplier that I thought. The redirects from wso2 were more of a misdirection.

So, when submitting the data, the field username and password must be lowercase.

Any issue found with the post data, it redirects with a 302 to the carbon login page.


I think this may happen because of the canHandle() method. you can refer other custom authenticators which are using external endpoint and try these are how handle the request.