I'm building a static website on gh-pages using jekyll liquid. I'm properly generating a simple, two-level navigation from a data file. My problem is that I am stuck trying to do two things:
- Apply a "selected" class to the current page link item.
- Apply an "open" class to the parent list item when a sublink menu is present.
Here's the format I'm using in my _data/nav.yml
- title: Top Level Nav Item
url: level-1/
- title: Child Nav Item 1
url: child-1/
- title: Child Nav Item 2
url: child-2/
Here's how I'm building my navigation:
{% assign current_page = page.url | remove: 'index.html' %}
<ul class="-nav">
{% for nav in include.nav %}
{% assign current = null %}
{% if nav.url == current_page %}
{% assign current = ' _selected' %}
{% endif %}
{% if nav.url contains current_page %}
{% assign open = ' _open' %}
{% endif %}
<li class="-item{{ current }}{{ open }}">
<a href="{{ site.url }}{{ nav.url }}">{{ nav.title }}</a>
{% if nav.sublinks and current_page contains nav.url %}
{% include navigation.html nav=nav.sublinks%}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Again this builds my navigation correctly, but it doesn't apply either the selected or open class.
Here's what I'm would like it to look like in the end:
What am I doing wrong?
{% assign current = null %}
statement? – Joel Glovier{% assign current = null %}
. – Hynes