I want to transmit iBeacon data packet from android phone, with data flag.
Data Flag (0x01) is Bluetooth GAP specification that represents beacon's capability.
My situation:
Currently, I'm trying to advertise using BluetoothLeAdvertiser. But it doesn't works as I thought. I found that, I can only advertise "Manufacturer specific data".
BluetoothManager manager = (BluetoothManager) getSystemService(BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
mBluetoothAdapter = manager.getAdapter();
mBluetoothLeAdvertiser = mBluetoothAdapter.getBluetoothLeAdvertiser();
// Settings here
mBluetoothLeAdvertiser.startAdvertising(settings, getAdvertiseData(), mAdvertiseCallback);
My current result:
What I want:
Common iBeacon data packet(Image below) has data flag, Type 0x01. And I want to add this flag to my iBeacon advertise packet.
That means, I want add Raw data "0x020106" to head part of the packet.
How can I archive this?
I have already read about question below, but it doesn't help for my problem.
Can an Android device act as an iBeacon?
Also, I already have read that android ble api doesn't support Data flag.
But the comment was in 2015, is there any hopeful changes now?
Unfortunately, this is not currently allowed by the Android BLE APIs, so the library cannot this.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.