At this moment Acumatica Discount Engine is deactivated for any Web Service call. Due to this fact, entering an order line without any discount will not populate the discount code.
However, at Acumatica University there is the customization package made specifically to retrieving the price of an Item for a Customer (attached to the I200 Screen-Based Web Services 5.3 and the I210 Contract-Based Web Services 5.3 sources).
Sample call for Screen-Based API:
Content getSalesPriceSchema = context.GetSchema();
var commands = new Command[]
new Value
Value = customer,
LinkedCommand =getSalesPriceSchema.RequiredInputParameters.Customer
new Value
Value = inventoryID,
LinkedCommand =getSalesPriceSchema.RequiredInputParameters.InventoryID
Content price = context.Submit(commands)[0];
Sample call for Contract-Based API:
GetSalesPriceInquiry priceToBeGet = new GetSalesPriceInquiry
Customer = new StringValue { Value = customer },
InventoryID = new StringValue { Value = inventoryID }
GetSalesPriceInquiry stockItemPrice = (GetSalesPriceInquiry)soapClient.Put(priceToBeGet);