
I would like to use Konvajs to do below tasks:

  1. draw two rectangle groups on canvas. Each group contains a rectangle, text, and a circle
  2. When I use the mouse to drag from the circle, it draws an arrow while dragging.
  3. When I drop the arrow into another group, it stops drawing and connects the two groups edge to edge

Something like this:


Are there any native methods that support connections between shapes? Could anyone show me some examples please?

Were you able to solve this problem with the hotspots? Any chance you can share how it's done? When both shapes are linked, can you move both shapes and the arrow around?fes

1 Answers


I have connected Konva.Circles. But the logic for images will also be the same. Please find the plunkr

var width = window.innerWidth;
    var height = window.innerHeight;

    var stage = new Konva.Stage({
      container: 'container',
      width: width,
      height: height

    var layer = new Konva.Layer();

    var circle = new Konva.Circle({
      x: stage.getWidth() / 2,
      y: stage.getHeight() / 2,
      radius: 40,
      fill: 'green',
      stroke: 'black',
      strokeWidth: 2,
      draggable: true

    var circleA = new Konva.Circle({
      x: stage.getWidth() / 5,
      y: stage.getHeight() / 5,
      radius: 30,
      fill: 'red',
      stroke: 'black',
      strokeWidth: 2,
      draggable: true

    var arrow = new Konva.Arrow({
      points: [circle.getX(), circle.getY(), circleA.getX(), circleA.getY()],
      pointerLength: 10,
      pointerWidth: 10,
      fill: 'black',
      stroke: 'black',
      strokeWidth: 4

    function adjustPoint(e){
      var p=[circle.getX(), circle.getY(), circleA.getX(), circleA.getY()];

    circle.on('dragmove', adjustPoint);

    circleA.on('dragmove', adjustPoint);

    // add the shape to the layer

    // add the layer to the stage