
Is there any option to compare dates with Date format yyyymmddhhmmss with the current date? Basically one of my external source have this type of date and I have to compare this date with the current date and check difference in between. I have tried to split those date with LEFT,MID,RIGHT functions, so basically, I have two columns - first with date, second with time, but I cannot find any option to subtract current date with date in column, because results are not coming correct.

Sample of date: 20161112203545

after splitting: 2016-11-12 20:05:45.

Any ideas?

Does timezone or daylight savings matter? I ask because depending on where these spreadsheets come from, where you are, and how far apart the dates are it may matter.n8wrl

2 Answers


Image produced below with formulas is self explanatory.

finding difference in dates

Your date :20161112203545 in D4

Formula to convert date in E4 :


Today's Date in F4 : =TODAY()

Formula to get date difference in days in G4 : =DATEDIF(F4,E4,"d")


The alternative to Excel DATEDIF would be a User defined function (UDF) that internally uses the VBA DATEDIFF function:

This UDF accepts three parameters:

Start_Date: The days from which the period begins. End_Date: It is the last date of the period that you wish to calculate. Unit: It specifies the interval by which you want the difference. Here the unit accepts following values. Value Description YYYY Year Q Quarter M Month Y Day of year D Day

Public Function xlDATEDIF(Start_Date As Date, End_Date As Date, Unit As String) As String  
    xlDATEDIF = DateDiff(Unit, Start_Date, End_Date)  
End Function 

In this case usage will be, put formula in H4 =xlDATEDIF(F4,E4,"D") HTH


Taking the date as

20161112203545 after splitting: 2016-11-12 20:05:45

Is going to cause you some issues as Excel assigns date values with a serial number, and it's going to throw that number off. You could use the =today() function and set it up where you have the date entered, say it is in cell A1, then =A1-today() (formatted as a number) should give you the difference in the amount of days. Microsoft explanation of using Dates in Excel