I am getting below Parsing error each time I use Knit Html in R for converting my Rmd files into HTML:
Error in parse_all(input, filename, stop_on_error != 2L) : unused argument (stop_on_error != 2) Calls: ... call_block -> block_exec -> in_dir -> evaluate -> parse_all
Execution halted
Same result is obtained when using knitr or knitr:knit2html from the command line. Error did not exist before (I have already used Knit HTML for many .Rmd reports) but appeared when I used knit2html from the cmd for the first time. The compilation is only working where there are no R code chunks in the .Rmd file or when the chunks are empty. I work under windows 7, R version: 3.2.3, R studio version: 0.99.902. Below is the only R code chunk in the test.Rmd file that I am using for testing:
i <- 0
i < i + 3