
Due to some issue where I need to clear all the cache data on the Redis cache hosted on the Azure.In other words by using the Azure portal.Not by using my application.One option I can think of is,Delete the Redis cache instance and recreate it.But do you know better way for doing that ? I'm using StackExchange.Redis.dll

Update 2 :

Could you tell me how to get public key in PEM format ? On the doc here it says this The easiest way to run this command in Windows - MSYS2.I don't have any idea about that.

enter image description here

Update 1 :

Could you tell me why this is happening when I use the redis-cli ?

enter image description here

I don't think it's possible in Azure Portal. However, you can use redis-cli to issue FLUSHDB command. See This answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/6851909/….qbik
@qbik Yes,but how can I run those commands on azure portal ? How to connect redis db on the azure from my local machine ? Is there any GUI where I can use it ?Sampath

2 Answers


For Azure's Redis service, the Azure portal has a built-in console (which is in Preview):

console button

At this point, it's as simple as executing a flushall command:


If you're running Redis in, say, a VM, you'll need to use a tool to connect remotely to the cache and run the flushall command.


You can use


which is a basic devops extension. Use '*' in the value, it will flush all redis data