I am doing an iterative computation using flink dataset API.
But the result of each iteration is a part of my complete solution.
(If more details required: I am computing lattice nodes level-wise starting from top towards bottom in each iteration, see Formal Concept Analysis)
If I use flink dataset API with bulk iteration without saving my result, the code will look like below:
val start = env.fromElements((0, BitSet.empty))
val end = start.iterateWithTermination(size) { inp =>
val result = ObjData.mapPartition(new MyMapPartition).withBroadcastSet(inp, "concepts").groupBy(0).reduceGroup(new MyReduceGroup)
But, if I try to write partial results within iteration (_.writeAsText()) or any action, I will get error:
org.apache.flink.api.common.InvalidProgramException: A data set that is part of an iteration was used as a sink or action. Did you forget to close the iteration?
The alternative without bulk iteration seems to be below:
var start = env.fromElements((0, BitSet.empty))
var count = 1L
var all = count
while (count > 0){
start = ObjData.mapPartition(new MyMapPartition).withBroadcastSet(start, "concepts").groupBy(0).reduceGroup(new MyReduceGroup)
count = start.count()
all = all + count
println("total nodes: " + all)
But this approach is exceptionally slow on smallest input data, iteration version takes <30 seconds and loop version takes >3 minutes.
I guess flink is not able to create optimal plan to execute the loop.
Any workaround I should try? Is some modification to flink is possible to be able to save partial results on hadoop etc.?