
I started working with the qt Creator and I use the resource system with qrc-files. I am working on Windows 10 and I am using qt creator 3.6.1

Trying to run my project causes this Error: mingw32-make[1]: *** No rule to make target '../Game/res/', needed by 'debug/qrc_res.cpp'. Stop.

Clean Project, run qmake, Rebuild All did not help.

Game.pro looks fine. The specified pictures are in their places. I dont know how to resolve this problem. Can someone please help me? The only way I can resolve this problem so far, was to remove all qrc file from the project folder and project and add them again (by hand)...

my resourcefile res.qrc

    <qresource prefix="/">

A snippet of my Game.pro:


    res.qrc \

1 Answers


the name of the #.png caused the error. The # probably is recognised as an escape character! I renamed it to 2.png