I am trying to implement a basic ftp server.
I know that the data channel is created by the PASV command and that it creates a new socket that is used to send data like files.
I started to implement the command LIST, but I don't understand why should I close my data socket when the transfer finished. The ftp client that I am using for my test close his connection with my data socket when he receive the code 226.
That means that the client should do a PASV
before every commands that require the data channel ?
My code looks like this at the moment :
int list(char **arg, int c_sock, t_data *data)
FILE *fp;
char path[1035];
write_to_client(c_sock, "150 ", "sending data...\r\n");
fp = popen("/bin/ls /home/login -l", "r");
if (fp == NULL)
printf("Failed to run command\n");
while (fgets(path, sizeof(path)-1, fp) != NULL)
write_to_client(data->data_sock, path, "\0");
write_to_client(c_sock, "226 ", "data send\r\n");
return (0);