I added all SignalR component but I still have got some errors about dll recognition.
The type or namespace name 'Hub' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I added following libraries on NuGet;
- Microsoft.ASpNet.SignalR
- Microsoft.ASpNet.SignalR.Client
- Microsoft.ASpNet.SignalR.Core
- Microsoft.ASpNet.SignalR.JS
- Microsoft.ASpNet.SignalR.OWin
- Microsoft.ASpNet.SignalR.SystemWeb
- Microsoft.Owin
- Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
- Microsoft.Owin.Security
I think, I don't need most of them.
namespace GenelProject
public class ChatHub : Hub
Why Visual Studio doesn't recognize SignalR hub when I want to use it ?