
I am working on Chat module for android app. i configured Open fire as XMPP server and currently using smack library in client side development. i am facing some crucial problems regarding chat. so is there any other open source alternate library of smack? i search whole day for the solution. but i could not got proper.

Thanks and best regards in advance.

what kind of problem are you facing ?Lucas Ferraz
only one way chat is working. means if user 1 initiate chat then only user 1 can send message. user 2's message can not recieved.ErShani
here is my detailed problem description and my code stackoverflow.com/questions/37164240/…ErShani
ok, i will take a look soon!Lucas Ferraz

3 Answers


I have used Applozic chat SDK. Its worked like a charm for me easy to integrate and customize. The open source repo link is here. Hope this helps.


I am also still finding the solution.

I think Quickblock would be the alternative.

Reference: https://community.igniterealtime.org/thread/52092


Till now Smack is the only one java based open source XMPP client Implementation.So you have to use smack to use in android or you can use C++ client library like swiften or gloox as native. But in server side you can use any server developed following XMPP standard.