
I want to set up WSO2 APIM login with Github.

I have integrated WSO2 IS with APIM and installed WSO2 IS Github authenticator, then followed the user guide Configuring Github Authenticator to set up Github authenticator. It works for the sample app which mentioned in the doc.

However, when I changed SP to APIM, I got

Error 401 : Authorization Required.

The server couldn't verify that you are authorized to access the requested resource.

Also I have read [Article] How To Setup a WSO2 API Manager Store Login with Google, it seems no more special configuration. Bad thing is I cannot connect Google, I cannot test it. :(

How can I fix this? Any suggestion? Thanks you.

Seems like this is the same issue as stackoverflow.com/questions/36994534/…, can you please check the suggestions given there?Chamila Wijayarathna
@Chamila Wijayarathna I made the change, enabled EnableEmailUserName(APIM & IS), add modified some properties in IS user-mgt.xml, but got same error. I checked the log, not errors, just info [2016-05-12 15:31:44,233] INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.permission.update.PermissionUpdater} - Permission cache updated for tenant -1234 Please help. :(roryblucky
It will be useful if you can add the complete log, are there any stacktraces?Chamila Wijayarathna
I forgot update APIM internal/everyone role's permission, it works after I updated it, . Anyway, thanks for help me.roryblucky

1 Answers


This is because the default roles of the user is internal/everyone, We can update the internal/everyone roles permission or change the default roles in user-mgt.xml

     <EveryOneRoleName>everyone</EveryOneRoleName> <!--change it-->

and it will work.