
First I created a azure web app dealkar.azurewebsites.net. Then to use my custom domain dealkar.pk I go to Custom domains and SSL and there I bring external domain by following all the steps. Now When I go to Custom domains and SSL, Host names assigned to site contains dealkar.pk. It means I have successfully verified my domain 'dealkar.pk'. Right?

Before using azure, my website was hosted by godaddy. But after verifying my external domain, dealkar.pk still accesses godaddy contents. Why its not showing the contents of azure.i.e, dealkar.azurewebsites.net?

Note: Now when I open my web app in azure portal, http://dealkar.pk is written under URL.

Then I tried another option. I go to azure portal > New > Networking > DNS Zone then created a DNS zone. It gave me 4 nameservers. I updated nameservers against my domain dealkar.pk.

Now when I open my website, it says:

dealkar.pk’s server DNS address could not be found

Are these nameservers provided by Azure DNS Zone are not ready for use. Why its not working?

tell me if my question is not clear or what else I should mention?Irfan Yusanif

1 Answers


I believe you're missing an important step here. What you need to do is go back to GoDaddy's (I'm assuming that you registered your domain there) DNS Zone manager and change records (CNAME, A etc.) appropriately so that they can point to the website hosted in Azure instead of pointing to the website hosted with GoDaddy. Please see this link regarding how you can do it: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-custom-domain-name/.

When you create a DNS zone in Azure and change DNS Servers in your domain registrar, you would need to create same set of records in Azure DNS as well. Because you didn't create any records in there, I believe that's the reason your name resolution is failing when you changed the nameservers.