
I created QTableView as below and want to select the top item as default selection.

proxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this);

    proxyModel->setFilterCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive );

connect ( d->ui->search_phrase, SIGNAL( textChanged(QString)),
              proxyModel, SLOT( setFilterWildcard(QString)) );

Note that d->ui->projects represents my QTableView. and d->ui->projects is text edit use to grab search string.

I tried to select top item of my table view by calling Slot selectTopOne through the dataChanged signala. But it is not calling for Slot.

And I tried to select row with Qmodelindex (0,0). But it not worked too.


This is How my QTableview appears now.

enter image description here

This is What I need to do. I need to select first row automatically.

enter image description here

According to the Text Edit on top items of QTableview filtered. I want to select top item at that time too.

enter image description here

Are you sure that your "selectTopOne()" is called?Apin
It is a SLOT and connected to dataChanged SIGNAL of model. I debug the code. But breakpoint inside selectTopOne() not hit.Hareen Laks
So that the problem that your selectTopOne not fired. What is d->ui->projects type (you said textfield, but I don't understand what is textfield exactly) ?Apin
Intially, list of projects with their details appears in the QTableView. One row represents one project. I can select one row at a time. So first, I need to select top project of that list by default. Text Edit (sorry not textfield :( ) use to grab string to filter the items of QTableView. At the time of filtering I need to select top item as well.Hareen Laks
After I read again your question and I still don't understand. Its looks like you have 2 table view. But the one should be connect to slot selectTopOne is QTextEdit's valueChanged signals. So you select top one slot will be fired when you edit the filter.Apin

2 Answers


I hope this answer will help you.


Why do you use dataChange() signal to set default selection? Am I right that you want select top item by default on start the program? You can just use selection model, for example:

 d->ui->projects->selectionModel()->select(d->ui->projects->model()->index(0,0), QItemSelectionModel::Select);


OK, I've got it. The decision (for example) is inheritance from QSortFilterProxyModel class. There you can use some SLOT that will be use setFilterRexExp() (or smth else probably) when you'll change text in QLineEdit. After that sending some SIGNAL from this SLOT that you can catch from your main class and call method that I wrote upper, which select first item. Or, if you don't use model index's data do:
