
Here's a very strange phenomenon that I'm struggling with:

I'm trying to play an audio file on a button click based on a certain context. For instance if the condition "A" I'll play a certain sound (on button click) and if it is "B" I'd play another sound. I use a switch statement to decide what sounds are played for which condition.

The problem: Even though I'm getting the conditions to work correctly, the AVAudioPlayer always returns nil. But when I hard-code the file to be played, it works just fine. It is only when I use a variable to decide which sound to be played "in the switch statement" is when the sound doesn't play, else when I use a static variable without changing its value, it works fine.

Here's my code:

func playSound(Condition: String){

    switch Condition {
    case "1":
        soundName = "1"
    case "2":
        soundName = "2"
    case "3":
        soundName = "3"
    case "4":
        soundName = "4"
    case "5":
        soundName = "5"
        soundName = "default"

  let pathString = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource(soundName, withExtension: "m4a")?.path //if I type 'let soundName = "1" or Hard code the value' - it will work fine

    if let soundFilePath = pathString {
        let sound = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(soundFilePath)

            audioPlayer = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL:sound)
        }catch {
            print("Error getting the audio file")
    } else {
        print("Error: Can't find file. Path is nil") // - This is always printed when I use the variable result from the switch

Can anyone please help me figure out why? Is the switch taking too long? I doubt because I can print the value of the condition before I play the sound. Thanks in advance.

Added More Information Here: https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/137380#137380

please give more code context, such as where playSound(condition:) is being called.Alexander
it is called when a button is clicked. The condition is supplied depending on factors such as what day is it, what time is it, etc.zaam
Okay, wait, are both parts you pasted part of the playSound(condition:) function?Alexander
Yes, that's one function. So .. there's a button on the UI when pressed this function is called that plays a sound depending on say what time it is.zaam
There you go, I corrected the formatting. It now appears as a single block of code - one function.zaam

2 Answers


You need to declare soundName


func playSound(Condition: String){

var soundName: String

switch Condition {
case "1":
    soundName = "1"
case "2":
    soundName = "2"
case "3":
    soundName = "3"
case "4":
    soundName = "4"
case "5":
    soundName = "5"
    soundName = "default"

let pathString = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource(soundName, withExtension: "m4a")?.path //if I type 'let soundName = "1" or Hard code the value' - it will work fine

if let soundFilePath = pathString {
    let sound = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(soundFilePath)

        audioPlayer = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL:sound)
    }catch {
        print("Error getting the audio file")
} else {
    print("Error: Can't find file. Path is nil") // - This is always printed when I use the variable result from the switch

Got it to work. I guess the problem was with the files. Re-did everything and now its working. Thanks guys.