
In invoice when i'm trying to register a payment this error message shows up :

The operation cannot be completed, probably due to the following:

  • deletion: you may be trying to delete a record while other records still reference it

  • creation/update: a mandatory field is not correctly set [object with reference: name - name]

I cheked the access rights but nothing, the error message still appears.

  • Note1: I am able to register payment if I use admin user.
  • Note2: Not sure if it could be releated with having multicompany enabled.

Checking Odoo server logs I found this:

bad query: INSERT INTO "account_full_reconcile" ("id", "name", "create_uid", "write_uid", "create_date", "write_date") VALUES(nextval('account_full_reconcile_id_seq'), NULL, 7, 7, (now() at time zone 'UTC'), (now() at time zone 'UTC')) RETURNING id

In the previous bad query error can be seen that problem is that "name" field is Null.Label for this field is "Number".

So checking "account_full_reconcile" table in Odoo database, in the column "name" I have two non-consecutive values: "A1" and "A4". Also in column "id" there are non-consecutive id: "19" and "30". Not sure if It's related with the error.

This question was originally asked by other user in odoo.com/es_ES/forum/ayuda-1/question/….Pin
With multi company enabled, it could be that all accounting features like periods, journals, etc. are not configured correctly. Did you check that? Is there a journal for your active company?CZoellner
Yes, I checked it and seems ok to me: Under Accounting > Configuration > Accounting there are Journals, Taxes, Fiscal Positions and Bank Accounts for my active company. Note "Spain - Accounting (PGCE 2008)" app is installed.Pin
What about payment terms? Do you use them? It seems that payment terms are multi-company ready, too, but you can't see the company on them. Try to find out, if there is a problem. (had the same issue on a customer of us)CZoellner
I don't use payment terms, but using it nothing change and I still get same error. Maybe error is related with what I tell in the question edit 2.Pin

2 Answers


I think I found out...I had to manually create an "account Reconcile Sequence" record for the 2nd company...just duplicated and cahnge Company. From Technical -- sequences -- Account reconcile sequence.


In odoo 9 the screen at "From Technical -- sequences -- Account reconcile sequence" doesn't have option to set company, so odoo9 users can do just duplicate it and create a new record and from backend in the database update that new record company_id value with your compant id