
Dear neo4j gurus and users, here is my situation. Since graphConnect in London I've been using version 3.0. Some days ago I had the need to export a table result in csv, I hit the "save to file" button in top-right of the browser result frame, but only the export to json option was there. Export to csv is missing.

I did the following as a test:

  • install new neo4j 3.0.0 instance, create some data, return as table => the export to csv button is missing;
  • install new neo4j 3.0.1 instance, create some data, return as table => the export to csv button is missing;
  • install new neo4j 2.3.3 instance, create some data, return as table => the export to csv button is working;

I tested the same above with Oracle and OpenJDK java-8, with no difference.

I had the same behavior using neo4j-shell-tools, which works (I tested export-graphml command) only in version 2.3.3. (I opened an issue for that at https://github.com/jexp/neo4j-shell-tools/issues/88).

I'm running neo in my Ubuntu 16.04 laptop. Is there anything I can do to help you answer this? Any log/debug information that could be useful? Do you see the export csv button in your neo4j 3.x browsers?

Menu "Export to a file" -> "Export SWC" - present (OSX Safari && Windows Chrome). Maybe this is a problem in the web browser? Try a different web browser (on a different computer? another operating system?).stdob--
You are right, I was using chrome 49.0.2623.87 (64-bit). In firefox I can see the export to csv button!!! Thanksmiro marchi

1 Answers


This looks like a problem with the web browser: try a different web browser (if do not help - on the other operating system). And update the version of the web browser to the latest stable.