I am new to classic ASP working on an application and I have a requirement of sending attachment with email. I have tried so many things but still not able to find a proper solution. I am able to send the emails without attachment.
Everything is working fine except attachments. I have seen many solutions suggesting before sending attachment I need to upload files to the server. I have called a page uploaddocument.asp
(this page is in VBscript) in the form action that is uploading the documents on the server after clicking on send it is uploading the documents but it is not sending emails.
Please suggest if there is any way to store those attachment in a temp folder so that they will be removed automatically after sending.
Is it possible to design the functionality of attachment like yahoomail, or gmail with the progress bar, option of removing the attachment using classic asp javascript/VBscript.
Please find the dummy code.
<%@ Language=JavaScript%>
Server.ScriptTimeout = 900;
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
function mailObject()
var mailObject = new ActiveXObject("CDO.Message");
mailObject.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2;
mailObject.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtprelay.p3chem.net";
mailObject.From = "[email protected]";
return (mailObject);
var mailMessage = new mailObject();
messageText = "Test";
emailID="[email protected]";
AssetmailID ="[email protected]";
messageSubject ="test";
var op = String(Request("op"));
Response.write("<form method ='Post' action ='UploadDocument.asp' enctype='multipart/form-data'> \n");
<textarea name=to rows=3 >"+emailID+"</textarea>*
(list of email addresses, separated by semicolon)
<textarea name=cc rows=2 >" + AssetmailID + "</textarea>
(list of email addresses, separated by semicolon)
<input type=text name=subject size=60 >*
<textarea name=message rows=15 cols=100 >" + messageText + "</textarea>*
Response.write("<form id = form2 method ='Post' action ='UploadDocument.asp' enctype='multipart/form-data'> \n");
Response.write("Attachment 1 : <input type=file name=File1>") ;
Response.write( "
<Input Type=Button Value='Add a file' >
") ;
Response.write("<input type=submit name=send value='Send Message'>
Response.write("<input type=hidden name=op value=send>");
switch (op) {
case ("Select"):
case ("send"):
try {
mailMessage.to =emailID;
mailMessage.Cc= AssetmailID
mailMessage.Bcc = "vikrant.mittalMNC.com";
mailMessage.From = "[email protected]";
mailMessage.Subject = String(Request("subject"));
mailMessage.HtmlBody = String(Request("message"));
Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('Mail successfully sent')</script>");
Response.Write("\nMail has been sent successfully ");
catch (err) {
mailMessage.Bcc = "";
mailMessage.From = "";
mailMessage.Subject = String(Request("subject"));
mailMessage.HtmlBody = "ERROR: Mail was not sent succesfully, Check whether All Mail ID's are Valid.";
Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('Mail was not sent succesfully')</script>");
Response.Write("Mail was not sent succesfully, Check whether All Mail ID's are Valid.\n\n" + Assessors);
Response.write ("Done");
//Script To add a attachment file field
var nfiles = 1;
function Expand()
var adh = '
Attachment '+nfiles+' : <input type="file" name="File'+nfiles+'" action ="UploadDocument.asp" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
return false;
code of UploadDocument.asp
<% @ Language= VBScript%>
<%Option Explicit%>
<!-- #include file="lib\lib_vbFunctions.asp" -->
Server.ScriptTimeout = 900
Dim Uploader, File, startTime, endTime, markTime1, totalTime, uploadTime, encType
Set Uploader = New FileUploader
startTime = Time
' This starts the upload process
markTime1 = Time
' Check if any files were uploaded
If Uploader.Files.Count = 0 Then
Response.Write "File(s) not uploaded."
' Loop through the uploaded files
For Each File In Uploader.Files.Items
encType = File.ContentType
If (Len(encType) >= 50) Then encType = "application/octet-stream"
File.ADOSaveToDisk "F:\\CSDATA\\My_attachment",File.FileName
endTime = Time
totalTime = (endTime - startTime) * 10000000
uploadTime = (markTime1 - startTime) * 10000000
' Output the file details to the browser
Response.Write "File Uploaded: " & File.FileName & "
Response.Write "Size: " & File.FileSize & " bytes
END if
How can I send the uploaded file as the attachment?