
So I have an Objective-C codebase that I'm trying to add Swift files to. I created my bridging header which mostly works but run into issues when importing certain classes. I have had success using classes from my Project-Bridging-Header.h in my Swift files and had success using my Swift classes by importing Project-Swift.h to my Obj-c classes. However, importing certain classes cause file not found errors. These classes that cause issues are just obj-c classes I've created.

The errors I'm receiving are: 'Project-Swift.h' file not found, and Failed to import bridging header 'path/to/header'.

I have previously seen these headers work and have used swift code in objective c and vice versa successfully. It's just when I import certain objective-c classes to my bridging header that it complains.

Has anyone experienced this or know what might be happening?

Where are the classes that aren't found located, and what are the import statements you are using?l'L'l
My Bridging header is located at $(SRCROOT)/Project/Supporting Files/Project-Bridging-Header.h and the swift header is automatically generated, so wherever Xcode puts it I guess. I'm using import statements like `#import "MyClass.h", which works for certain classes but not otherschetem

2 Answers


I faced a similar problem and it turned out that I had a cricular reference where my Swift class used my OjbC class which in turn used Swift class.

I resolved it by using froward declaration in ObjC header and importing Project-Swift.h in .m


I assume you have checked out this guide, Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C (Swift 2.2), otherwise you might want to take a look first to see whether the guidelines are helpful to your situation. You may want to double check particularly for some special case like Referencing a Swift Class or Protocol in an Objective-C Header.

If that doesn't work, double check whether those classes in question are set for the correct target(s). And clean and rebuild your project.