
I signed up for a statistics udemy course which uses jupyter running the stock numpy package out of anaconda.

Numpy is working when I run python 3.4.4 in pycharm, but it will not work in either anaconda2 nor anaconda3.. this makes no sense because numpy comes stock as part of the anaconda library.

When I try importing numpy in jupyter, running a local instance of a python 2 script, I get this: screenshot of jupyter error message

Thinking I could sidestep the error using a IDE, I tried pycharm and I got this:

sreenshot of pycharm error message

Numpy is part of the anaconda default library which I'm running, so I checked and made sure the numpy package was there via the Anaconda Prompt using 'conda list'...

screenshot of the anaconda prompt showing all packages

Why won't it import successfully?

Before I uninstall and reinstall everything, does anyone have any ideas?

Maybe run a package update first? So you can do "conda update numpy" for just numpy or "conda update anaconda" for the whole distro.davo36
tried both of your suggestions. I'm still getting the same errorAndrew J Winkler
So what about from the Python console?davo36
via the python 3.4 command line importing numpy works, also running a python 3.4 script in pycharm works too.. it's just in anaconda that it doesn'tAndrew J Winkler
Ah ok, do you have several python environments? Like do you have 2.7 and 3.4 installed on the same machine?davo36

3 Answers


Yayyyy. I figured it out. So I had several different python versions before I was running python through anaconda/jupyter. As a result, the tethering in-between the additional package libraries to the version of python running was shifty. For example, I may have had numpy working configured to 3.4 but not 2.7..

anyways, to break down the steps I took, I uninstalled all instances of python (both anaconda and normal versions). Then I deleted the old 3.4 libraries from my C drive. Then I installed anaconda 2.7.11 again, tested importing numpy and got the same error. Then I thought to myself, what if the packages are installed separate from the python library and their configuration didn't get reset via the reinstall.. so via the anaconda prompt I typed:

pip uninstall numpy

which removed the package I was having trouble with. and then :

pip install numpy

which downloaded and reset a whole new instance of the package. Then I tested importing numpy in both the anaconda prompt and jupyter = both worked.

I'm very happy that this ended up working out as I can continue on as planned. For anyone else who experiences a similar problem, I would try uninstalling, then reinstalling the problem causing package via pip commands - this step seemed to have the most impact on fixing the problem. Then if that doesn't work proceed to uninstall and reinstall the environments in intervals.


You can try using the following command:

pip install numpy --upgrade

This will uninstall old installed version of numpy and install a new version. This command solved my issue.


try activating you base conda environment before starting jupyter.

>activate root
>jupyter notebook