
I want to upload an image (from UIImage) to my own Google Drive public folder, from an iOS app, when a user chooses an image from his Photos Library.

Is it possible to upload a file to a Google Drive public folder without showing the user a consent screen?

If not, can it be done in Dropbox?


I find your post quite complicated, so please correct me if I understand it incorrectly. Are you referring to uploading images to someone else's Google Drive account (ie. someone upload photos to a Google Drive that does not belong to him)? These related posts - Uploading to Someone Else's Google Drive or code related - iOS-Using upload image on Google Drive Api might help.Teyam
Thanks, I'll look at the links you sent later. I meant users will upload to MY Google Drive from within three app.Shimi Bitton

1 Answers


Your iOS app will need an Access Token for your drive. There are a number of ways of doing this, for example by embedding a Refresh Token in your app. You will need to carefully consider the security implications of doing that. My recommendation would be to host a "proxy" kind of service on App Engine and upload to that, which will then in turn upload it to your Drive account.