I would like to use the function fminsearch of matlab to search for the best hyperparameters of my SVM with a weighted RBF kernel classifier. fminsearch uses the Nelder-Mead simplex method.
Let's say I have the following hyperparameters: C, gamma, w1....wn where wi are the weights of the kernel.
Additionally, I have the constraint that sum(wi) = 1, i.e. all weights must sum up to one.
Is there a possibility to use Nelder-Mead with this equality constraint? I know that there is the fminsearchbnd method for Matlab but I think it can handle only boundary inequality constraints.
Edit: I'm using a SVM classifier and the weights are used in a weighted RBF kernel (one weight for each feature). The parameters to estimate are thus C, gamma and the weights. The cost function is the accuracy.