
I am using the foloowing api for fetching the playlist of youtube channel: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?key=*********************&playlistId=PLtS_xRaINoXVqR9JTzwkcMLaOIq0uj831&part=snippet,contentDetails&format=6&maxResults=50&fields=items

some of the videos is not available so how can i exclude those videos ?

It did not work for me :(bhaskar
Check this SO question if it can help you:)KENdi

1 Answers


As per the Developers Guide by including a region (where you are) you can avoid "not available in your region" errors.


Changing the format type to 5 (API v2) or checking status.Embeddablè (API v3) will avoid those videos where embedding is disabled.

Other causes are when the Video is recently uploaded. In this case you should first do a check with the Video Status API