
I have played around a bit and can't get saving a plot rendered with seaborn correctly. When using plt.savefig I lose the grid. However, using plt.show and then saving the figure manually works. This happens with eps and png as well. I need to render large amount of plots so this is a problem.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

sns.set(style = 'darkgrid', font_scale=2)
t = np.arange(100)
y = np.random.rand(len(t))
plt.title('Test title')
plt.xlabel('Test xlab')
plt.ylabel('Tex $y_i = w_i x_i$')
plt.savefig('test_plot.eps', format='eps')

Automatic save Automatic save

Manual save Manual save

Okay, playing a bit more I found the error. I had "savefig.transparent : True" in my matplotlibrc that I for some reason needed before. Changing this to False solves the problem.johnblund
why don't you post it as an answer?Dima Lituiev

1 Answers


The solution was I had "savefig.transparent : True" in my matplotlibrc that I for some reason needed before. Changing this to False solved the problem in my case.