
I am running using jmeter 2.13 created test plan with thread group and backend listner.backend listner jmeter

up docker image for influxdb ( tutum/influxdb). I am able to access influxdb dashboard.

I made changes in /config/config.toml. added following in config.toml

enabled = true
bind-address = ":8086"
protocol = "tcp"
consistency-level = "one"
separator = "."
database = "jmeter"

I am not able to get data within jmeter database in influxdb after I run jmeter test cases. Jmeter generates report with 200 code. Please help to resolve this issue.

Tried with bind-address = ":2003" facing same problemGandhar khaladkar

2 Answers

  • You are able to access the InfluxDB - admin interface. But do you get the list of tables/measurements when you Show Measurements for your DB?
  • If it shows the measurement, only the data is not shown, there is a chance that Jmeter's machine time is ahead of InfluxDB time.
  • If it does not show the measurements, How do you run the docker image? Do you expose all the ports?
  • My config file is as shown below. Update the config and restart InfluxDB and try again.

    enabled = true
    bind-address = ":2003"
    database = "jmeter"
    #protocol = "tcp"
    #consistency-level = "one"
    #separator = "."

I used windows solution but I think it Should be similar.

  1. Install InfluxDB with a new conf file. I did a copy of the default and overwrite the below properties algon with [data] path.In my case was as below

[data] enabled = true dir = "C:\\software\\influxdb-1.0.2-1\\data" wal-dir = "C:\\software\\influxdb-1.0.2-1\\data\\wa

And run inflix with this configuration. $influxd -config <path to file.conf>.

This file has the graphite listener opened and linkened to DB

enabled = true 
database = "jmeter" 
bind-address = ":2003"
#protocol = "tcp"
# consistency-level = "one"

Later activate the security because Grafana needs it. I suposse you want to see graphs.

enabled = true
bind-address = ":8086"
auth-enabled = true
  1. Run Influx and using the browser add databases jmeter,grafana. Do not forget to add one administrative user. You can use QueryTemplate for these tasks. So 3 steps create two databases and at least one user with password.
  2. Ensure Jmeter have Assertions to distinguish retult of the test and backednListender