
I'm trying to figure out how to setup my Rails 4 app so that the devise mailer sends through Postmark, using Postmark Templates.

I have postmark-rails gem in my gem file.

I have everything working, except I can't figure out how to give the confirmation token to postmark.

In Postmark I have this template:

To get started, please confirm your account below:


I can't figure out how to put the following line into the template instead of action url value:

<%= link_to 'Confirm my account', confirmation_url(@resource, confirmation_token: @token) %></div>

I have added the following to my initializer/devise.rb:

config.mailer = 'PostmarkDeviseMailer'

In postmark_devise_mailer.rb, I have:

class PostmarkDeviseMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  include Devise::Mailers::Helpers

  def message
      :subject => 'Hello from Postmark',
      :to  => '[email protected]',
      :from => '[email protected]',
      :html_body => '<strong>Hello</strong> dear Postmark user.',
      :track_opens => 'true')

  default from: "[email protected]"

  def confirmation_instructions(record)
    devise_mail(record, :confirmation_instructions)

  def reset_password_instructions(record)
    devise_mail(record, :reset_password_instructions)

  def unlock_instructions(record)
    devise_mail(record, :unlock_instructions)

The next steps are less clear to me. Has anyone figured out how to use Postmark Templates as the mailer for devise transaction emails?


2 Answers


Response from Postmark help desk is: Unfortunately, Postmark templates don’t fit nicely into the traditional Rails ecosystem. See my reply here for more details:


To sum it up, by using the Postmark API with Postmark templates you could potentially replace ActionMailer, but mixing them together presents a significant challenge. Unfortunately, we’ve never tried the "ActionMailer-free" approach with Devise, so I can’t help you here. Unless you have a good reason not to, I’d suggest going with ActionMailer templates and using the postmark-rails gem as a delivery adapter. This approach is known to work well with Devise. Please let me know if you have any questions.


The first thing you need to do is create a custom mailer in app/mailers in this example it is user_mailer.rb If you are reading this answer, I am assuming you both have a postmark account if not grab one here: Postmark Registration and I am assuming you have a template and layout selected.

One important item to remember is to make sure you assign an alias to your template. This can be found in a small link found above the template title in small gray text.

The items within self.template_model are 100% customizable and are shown in your layout / template editors as so: {{product_name}}.

class UserMailer < Devise::Mailer
  include PostmarkRails::TemplatedMailerMixin

  helper :application
  include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
  include Devise::Controllers::UrlHelpers

  default from: '[email protected]'
  default reply_to: '[email protected]' # Optional 

  def confirmation_instructions(record, token, opts={})
    @admin = record
    @token = token
    # this will pass the data via the postmark-api to your template / layout these fields are 100% customizable and can be cahnged in your template / layout
    self.template_model = { product_name: 'your product',
                            username: @user.username,
                            email: @user.email,
                            confirmation_url: user_confirmation_url(@resource, confirmation_token: @token, subdomain: 'add subdomain here if needed'),
                            login_url: login_root_url(subdomain: 'add subdomain here if needed'),
                            trial_length: '14-days',
                            sender_name: 'What ever you want',
                            action_url: user_confirmation_url(@resource, confirmation_token: @token, subdomain: 'add subdomain here if needed'),
                            parent_company_name: 'Your company name',
                            company_address: 'Your address'}
    mail to: @admin.email, postmark_template_alias: 'devise_user_confirmation'

Rinse and repeat with unlocks and password mailers, all you will need to know is the urls that you'll be sending the tokens to.

To finish it all off:

You will need to add a small block to your devise resource model, in this example I've used user.rb

class User < ApplicationRecord
  devise :database_authenticatable, :confirmable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable,
         :timeoutable, :trackable

  def devise_mailer
    UserMailer # Must match your mailer class

Once this is done, restart your rails server, and give it a go!

I hope this helps you with hooking Postmark Templates (API) into Devise mailers