
I'm trying to create cluster for Load balancer to forward my request to two apache instances by using Pace maker package. For that I installed "corosync, pcs, pacemaker" packages. I did the cluster setup for node1 and node2. Now when I'm trying to create cluster resource using the below command

sudo pcs resource create ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=<IP_ADDRESS> cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=30s

This command is giving below error.

Error: unable to get cib

So is there anything I'm missing here?


2 Answers


You got that answer because your cluster hasnĀ“t been created. You should use the following command to create one, for an example:

pcs cluster setup --start --name my_cluster z1.example.com z2.example.com

Refer to this Website for further information:


You might have stopped your cluster. That's why you are receiving this error. Start your cluster than trying creating a resource