I'm using capybara with poltergeist for rspec testing in ruby on rails.
We're using stripe for payment gateway.
Request to stripe in already stub and real http connections are disabled.
However when I run the spec file alone.
It passes with the following test result.
Can add billing information to my account
Finished in 14.27 seconds (files took 4.84 seconds to load) 1 example, 0 failures
But when I run all the test it fails due to long time delay for response and I'm getting this output.
My code-
scenario "Can add billing information to my account", js: true do
within "#top-menu" do
click_link "ACCOUNT"
click_link "Billing"
click_link "Add billing information"
within "#subscription" do
fill_in "Name", with: "John Smith"
fill_in "Email", with: "[email protected]"
fill_in "Phone number", with: "0443 123123"
fill_in "Company", with: "Cribber"
fill_in "Street address", with: "14 Somewhere Street"
fill_in "City", with: "Brisbane"
fill_in "Postcode / Zip", with: "4000"
fill_in "State", with: "QLD"
select "Australia", from: "Country"
select "Australian Dollar", from: "Currency"
fill_in "Card number", with: "4242424242424242"
select Time.now.year + 1, from: "card_expiry_year"
fill_in "CVC", with: "123"
check "subscription_billing_attributes_terms_of_service"
click_button "Subscribe"
expect(page).to have_content("Thank you for subscribing to Cribber!")
I added sleep(200) after click_button "Subscribe".But it showed the following result.
Can anyone please help?
Thanks in advance for helping.
I tried changing http://localhost to in .env.test file but I got these error.
The strange thing is that if I run the spec file alone or the feature folder for view spec then I get no error message and the test pass.But if I run
rspec spec/ then the test fails.
Can anyone help?