
I'm new to Google Spreadsheets syntax, so forgive me if this sounds too trivial. :)

I want to sum up the row values of certain columns in my Google Spreadsheets sheet into a new column.

I'm looking for the right command to do this.

What I've stumbled upon till now is the sum function =SUM(A1:F1) --- to sum up the row values of column A up to column F for the first row. However, I only want to sum up certain columns --- i.e. only the row values of B and D for instance.

Minimal Working Example

     | Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D | Sum B + D |
Row 1| a1       | b1       | c1       | d1       | b1 + d1   |
Row 2| a2       | b2       | c2       | d2       | b2 + d2   |
Row 3| a3       | b3       | c3       | d3       | b3 + d3   |

I want to construct the last column (Sum B + D) with a spreadsheet formula.

enter image description here

I can help. Do you want add A, D, E in each row and show in your Sum column?Sankar Krishnamoorthy
Like in my MWE, I want to add, for instance, column B and D and make a new column out of these computed values.Mussé Redi

1 Answers


Step 1: Double click on the cell where you want to insert the formula.

enter image description here

Step 2: Bring the mouse pointer to the highlighted area as shown in below image till you see a '+' sign.

enter image description here

Step 3: how to apply formula to entire column?

  • Method 1: Click and drag till the where you need the formula to be applied.
  • Method 2: Double click on bottom right hand corner of the cell. The formula will be applied to all occupied cells as you mentioned.

  • Edit (for Google Spreadsheets). Method 2: Double click on bottom right hand corner of the cell AND drag it down up to the row to which you want to have it applied; when all rows are selected release to apply. The formula will be applied to all occupied cells as you mentioned.