
I created default asp.net core application from defaut template. I chose Windows Authentication option during porcess of creation of new project (here is what i did). When i run app on issexpress, it works like a charm.

When i moved app onto local iis it works, but it does not get user info. I enabled windows authentication in windows features. But it shows me empty User.Identity.Name. I tried to add this lines to web.config

            <windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
            <anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />

Tried to turn on windows authentication from IIS Manager. I dont know what else can be wrong. What am i missing?

I'm having the same issue, tried the same things...still no success. Did you ever get this working?J. Allen

2 Answers


In web.config, did you put

<authentication mode="Windows" /> 

in system.web sector as well?


I could resolve this issue. I turned on windows authentication feature on local iis and after that local authentication worked like a charm. Here is a good article how to do that.