
I installed docker in machine using the guide in https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/ubuntulinux/ and I also installed Kubernetes in my local machine by using http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/docker/.

But once I run "kubectl get nodes" I get the error error: failed to negotiate an api version; server supports: map[], client supports: map[v1:{} metrics/v1alpha1:{} extensions/v1beta1:{} componentconfig/v1alpha1:{} batch/v1:{} autoscaling/v1:{} authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1:{}].

The docker version on my machine is as follows.

  • Client:

    • Version: 1.11.1
    • API version: 1.23
    • Go version: go1.5.4
    • Git commit: 5604cbe
    • Built: Tue Apr 26 23:30:23 2016
    • OS/Arch: linux/amd64
  • Server:

    • Version: 1.11.1
    • API version: 1.23
    • Go version: go1.5.4
    • Git commit: 5604cbe
    • Built: Tue Apr 26 23:30:23 2016
    • OS/Arch: linux/amd64
As Nikhil mentioned, that error might not be related to the docker version. However, a lot of Kubernetes functionality will be broken on Kubernetes 1.2 with docker v1.11 (which was released after Kubernetes v1.2). We're working on docker v1.11 support for Kubernetes 1.3, and a lot of the problems should already be fixed at HEAD.Tim Allclair

2 Answers


Looks like the server responded with an empty list of api versions that it supports.

Can you post the output of kubectl version?

That will print the git versions of kubectl and api server and will help us find if there is any incompatibility between the two.


Ive tried using v1.3.0-alpha.3 of kubernetes with the same version of docker as the OP. I`m still having the same issue though. Should this be fixed in alpha.3 or do I need to wait for a new version ?