I have amended some code I pulled from https://github.com/kaandedeoglu/KDCircularProgress
I have a small UIView which represents the circle progress timer. I have referenced it and also instantiated it to KDCircularProgress
I have managed to implement methods to start and reset the timer progress circular bar.
But I am having trouble restarting the circular progress bar when I pause the animation.
My code preamble:
import UIKit
class SomeTableViewController: UITableViewController {
//Circular progress vars
var currentCount = 1.0
let maxCount = 60.0
//Reference selected UIView & instantiate
@IBOutlet weak var circularProgressView: KDCircularProgress!
Start animation - 60 second animation:
if currentCount != maxCount {
currentCount += 1
circularProgressView.animateToAngle(360, duration: 60, completion: nil)
To stop and reset the animation:
currentCount = 0
circularProgressView.animateFromAngle(circularProgressView.angle, toAngle: 0, duration: 0.5, completion: nil)
To pause the animation:
How would I set up a method to restart the animation after the paused state?
Many thanks in advance for any clarification. It's my first animation, I have tried to resolve the matter myself, but cannot seem to find any syntax applicable to my particular case.
Thanks to @Duncan C for putting me on the right path.
I solved my problem as follows ...
Since I initiated the counter's progress using currentCount += 1
I thought I would try to pause the counter with:
if currentCount != maxCount {
currentCount -= 1
circularProgressView.animateToAngle(360, duration: 60, completion: nil)
which I thought would have a 'net' effect on the counter (netting off counter +=1
and counter -=1
) to effectively stop the counter. In theory this should being the counter's progress to zero, but it continued to count down.
So I reverted back to circularProgressView.pauseAnimation()
to pause the circular counter animation.
To restart the animation after being paused, I had to amend the duration to represent the updated duration - i.e. the time at which the animation was paused.
I used a bit of a trick here and included a NSTimer - which I happened to have in my code anyway.
To restart the animation at the time of pause:
if currentCount != maxCount {
currentCount += 1
circularProgressView.animateToAngle(360, duration: NSTimeInterval(swiftCounter), completion: nil)
I couldn't figure out how to update my duration for the animated circular bar, but did know how to update time passed using an NSTimer - timer with the same duration and countdown speed. So I tagged the reference to the updated timer's value. Issue resolved ;)
My Code:
import UIKit
class SomeFunkyTableViewController: UITableViewController {
//Circular progress variables
var currentCount = 0.0
let maxCount = 60.0
@IBOutlet weak var circularProgressView: KDCircularProgress!
//Timer countdown vars
var swiftTimer = NSTimer()
var swiftCounter = 60
@IBOutlet weak var startButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var timerView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var timerLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var startView: UIView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
circularProgressView.angle = 0
timerLabel.text = String(swiftCounter)
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
@IBAction func startButton(sender: AnyObject) {
pauseBtn.alpha = 1.0
playBtn.alpha = 1.0
stopBtn.alpha = 1.0
circularProgressView.hidden = false
if currentCount != maxCount {
currentCount += 1
circularProgressView.animateToAngle(360, duration: 60, completion: nil)
startView.hidden = true
timerView.hidden = false
swiftTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target:self, selector: #selector(SomeFunkyTableViewController.updateCounter), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
@IBOutlet weak var pauseBtn: UIButton!
@IBAction func pauseButton(sender: AnyObject) {
pauseBtn.alpha = 0.5
playBtn.alpha = 1.0
stopBtn.alpha = 1.0
@IBOutlet weak var playBtn: UIButton!
@IBAction func playButton(sender: AnyObject) {
if currentCount != maxCount {
currentCount += 1
circularProgressView.animateToAngle(360, duration: NSTimeInterval(swiftCounter), completion: nil)
if !swiftTimer.valid {
swiftTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target:self, selector: #selector(SomeFunkyTableViewController.updateCounter), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
if swiftCounter == 0 {
pauseBtn.alpha = 1.0
playBtn.alpha = 0.5
stopBtn.alpha = 1.0
@IBOutlet weak var stopBtn: UIButton!
@IBAction func stopButton(sender: AnyObject) {
currentCount = 0
circularProgressView.animateFromAngle(circularProgressView.angle, toAngle: 0, duration: 0.5, completion: nil)
circularProgressView.hidden = true
timerView.hidden = true
startView.hidden = false
swiftCounter = 60
timerLabel.text = String(swiftCounter)
pauseBtn.alpha = 1.0
playBtn.alpha = 1.0
stopBtn.alpha = 0.5
func updateCounter() {
swiftCounter -= 1
timerLabel.text = String(swiftCounter)
if swiftCounter == 0 {
Side Note : I have two overlapping views - StartView and TimerView. One is hidden on view load, hence the hide/unhide references. And I dim buttons on press - play/pause/stop.
logs ? – Shubhankfalse
in the animate methods. That should help get rid of the timers and increment/decrements. – Kaan Dedeoglu