I am reading Ford-Fulkerson maxflow algorithm in book Algorithms written by Robert Sedgewick. Here author mentioned as below
The number of augmenting paths needed in the shortest-augmenting-path implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson maxflow algorithm for a flow network with V vertices and E edges is at most EV /2.
Proof sketch: Every augmenting path has a critical edge—an edge that is deleted from the residual network because it corresponds either to a forward edge that becomes filled to capacity or a backward edge that is emptied. Each time an edge is a critical edge, the length of the augmenting path through it must increase by 2. Since an augmenting path is of length at most V each edge can be on at most V/2 augmenting paths, and the total number of augmenting paths is at most EV/2.
My questions on above text are
- How we got by saying if augumenting path length is atmost V, each edge can be in atmost V/2 augumenting paths?
Request to explain above with simple example if possible.