you have to counter-rotate it around the pivot. (center of the rect)
function nr(v){ return +v || 0 }
class Point{
this.x = nr(x);
this.y = nr(y);
var a = this, b = Point.from(pt);
return new Point(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);
var a = this, b = Point.from(pt);
return new Point(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);
rotate(radians, pivot){
return this.subtract(pivot).rotate(radians).add(pivot);
var r = nr(radians), c = Math.cos(r), s = Math.sin(r);
return new Point(
this.x * c - this.y * s,
this.x * s + this.x * c
//return delta.matrixTransform( c, s, -s, c );
matrixTransform(a, b, c, d, tx, ty){
return new Point(
this.x * nr(a) + this.y * nr(c) + nr(tx),
this.x * nr(b) + this.y * nr(d) + nr(ty)
static from(pt){
if(pt instanceof Point) return pt;
return new Point(pt && pt.x, pt && pt.y);
and the computation:
var RAD = Math.PI/180, DEG = 180/Math.PI;
var knownPoint = new Point(100, 100);
var angle = 30*RAD;
var unrotatedRect = { width: 150, height: 100 };
//the pivot to (counter-)rotate your known point
//if you know this point, you don't have to compute it
var pivot = new Point(unrotatedRect.width/2, unrotatedRect.height/2)
console.log(knownPoint.rotate(-angle, pivot));