- TFS 2015 Update 2
- Build Agent is running on a Windows 2012 Server
- Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 installed on Build System
I have a build (new) definition running on an agent that has VS 2015 Update 2 installed. I have a project that has several NuGet Packages in it. Up until this afternoon the build was working as expected. I made some changes on where it puts the builds when done and then I started getting this error:
2016-04-28T16:35:03.3605826Z Set workingFolder to default: E:\agent\tasks\NuGetInstaller\0.1.17
2016-04-28T16:35:03.4073604Z Executing the powershell script: E:\agent\tasks\NuGetInstaller\0.1.17\NuGetInstaller.ps1
2016-04-28T16:35:05.0948829Z Saving to E:\agent_work\1\NuGet\newNuGet.config
2016-04-28T16:35:05.1418632Z E:\agent\agent\worker\tools\NuGet.exe restore "E:\agent_work\1\s\Dev\eCommerce\Consol.eCommerce.sln" -NonInteractive -configfile "E:\agent_work\1\NuGet\newNuGet.config"
2016-04-28T16:35:05.8761260Z MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '14.0' from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin'.
2016-04-28T16:35:06.6105618Z Restoring NuGet package System.Reflection.Metadata.1.2.0.
2016-04-28T16:35:08.9542747Z WARNING: Unable to find version '1.2.0' of package 'System.Reflection.Metadata'.
2016-04-28T16:35:09.0012648Z ##[error]Unable to find version '1.2.0' of package 'System.Reflection.Metadata'.
2016-04-28T16:35:09.0323998Z ##[error]Unexpected exit code 1 returned from tool NuGet.exe
Now this is where I get lost, I checked and the package and this version exist. I even went and removed all the packages in the project on my local system then did a NuGet Package Restore, and it worked just fine. I deleted the NuGet Package from the Project and re-added it and it worked fine.
Has anyone seen this and know how to fix it?
Updated 29/4/2016: So as I said in the comment below, I have sorted it out. My original nuget.config file was this
<add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
<add key="NuGet official package source v2" value="" />
<add key="FelineSoft NuGet" value="http://prod-tfs15:81/nuget" />
<add key="All" value="(Aggregate source)" />
I changed it to this and it worked
<add key="disableSourceControlIntegration" value="true" />
<add key="NuGet official package source v3" value="" />
<add key="NuGet official package source v2" value="" />
<add key="FelineSoft NuGet" value="http://prod-tfs15:81/nuget" />
<add key="All" value="(Aggregate source)" />
The new question is, why does the API End-Point matter for such a comment package?