
I have some data in hbase table. I have to take its backup. I am using 0.94.18 version. Now I have used following command for export.

hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Driver export hbasetable /home/user/backup/

Now what happened actually is that data is copied to hdfs with exactly same path as I given. I am expecting this should copy to my local file system, but its not.

Where is the problem ? Second how to backup table schema also in hbase?


1 Answers


For the first part of your answer, take a look at How to copy Hbase data to local file system (external drive)

Since the data is in hadoop, you just need to copy from hadoop to local system.

As for the second par, the good old docs do the tricks: http://hbase.apache.org/0.94/book/ops.backup.html

Basically they are telling two solutions: either do the backup with the system offline, or use another cluster to hold a backup of your live system.