
I was wondering if there is a feature in the Apache Math Commons library for element-wise multiplication similar to the one used in MATLAB being that the resulting matrix C is equal to each value in matrix A multiplied by the corresponding value in matrix B. I want to avoid writing my own version because I know linear algebra packages are highly optimized for these kinds of operations and I don't want to lose performance on my own implementation if one already exists (that's optimized).

In MATLAB: C = A.*B and A's dimensions must equal B's.

I'm missing the part of your question where you say you went over the RealMatrix interface and didn't find anything. After you did that take a look here.Dev-iL
Sorry for the late reply, and I did look I can't believe I didn't find it! Thanks for clearing it up :)Mark Shark
note that the last link I posted is to a 3rd-party library that happens to implement what you need. No reason to feel bad :)Dev-iL

1 Answers


I've used for RealVectors from Apache math the ebeMultiplication. I don't know if there is an equivalent function for matrices, I checked and I did not find. As for the vectors:

    RealVector output = new ArrayRealVector(o); // o and y are double[]
    RealVector expected = new ArrayRealVector(y);
    RealVector errors = expected.subtract(output);    
    RealVector delta = errors.ebeMultiply(output);