
I have a controller que find the products and return to view . Current I'm trying make the pagination and I'm using the following code :

return $this->queryProductsAvailable()
                ->where('fornecedores.plano_id', $plano)
                ->paginate( $limit );      

function queryProductsAvailabe:

private function queryProductsAvailable()
   return Products::join('fornecedores', 'fornecedores.id', '=' ,'produtos.fornecedor_id')
                        ->where( 'fornecedores.ativo', '1')
                        ->where( 'produtos.moderacao', 'P' )
                        ->where( 'produtos.ativo' , '1' )  
                        ->where( 'produtos.preco_min', '>', 0 )
                        ->select( 'produtos.*');                   

To view I'm return the following:

return view('Catalogo.index', 
                        'products' => $products

But when I run the method $products->render() nothing happens.
No errors, no messages...
if I run $products->total() is returned the value 0
if I run $products->nextPageUrl() nothing happens

The same variable used to access this methods is used for the loop and print of products and the foreach works fine.

if I access the url with /?page=2 the pagination works, but not render list of pages.

Any idea?

---- Edite ----

The code works as follows:

In my site there are plans (plans 5 levels) that will make the products are listed before the other, then the search for the product I do the following:

In the first search I seek 30 level products 5 if the level 5 does not have 30 products I check how many products brought to query, I reduce the 30 and seek more product in the plan 4 to complete the 30 products and so on.

In this process, when we decrease a plan I use the push methodo to add the collection and whenever there is the decrease in the plan, the paginate limit is also being changed ...

So I have two points that may be causing this problem, the first is the push method and the second in the act of reducing the plan and seek more products with a different paginate the first one was 30.

Other than that my query also search products randomly, I believe that I need to develop my own paginate to meet all my requirements ...

Thank you all

How many results are you expecting? render() won't do anything if you have less than the number of results you are paginating.user1669496
hi @user3158900. My paginate receive the value 30 and the variable show 30 products. in the database exists 500 products.Dayglor

4 Answers


The paginate() method ill only add limit and offset in your query. In order to show the results, you will need to return the view instead:

$products = $this->queryProductsAvailable()
                ->where('fornecedores.plano_id', $plano)
                ->paginate( $limit );

return view('Catalogo.index', 
                        'products' => $products

Try doing this in your view to print the pagination:

{!! $products !!}}

It won't show if you have items equal to or less than the limit you have passed to the paginate($limit) function


I would do those things:

  • Check in your view with firebug or chrome devtools if the html is rendered;
  • Check if you're using {!! $products->render() !!} in your view;
  • Check with dd/var_dump/print_r the results of your query. Replace ->paginate(...) with ->get() and see if your query us returnig the correct values.

return $this->queryProductsAvailable() ->where('fornecedores.plano_id', $plano) ->select('produtos.*') ->get( $limit )

Try those and come back with your results. I think you are doing somenthing wrong with your query.

  • Finally, check storage/logs/laravel.log for any information.

Paginate returns a LengthAwarePaginator Object, not a Collection. This might cause the problem.