There are several helpful JavaScripts and .htc behaviors that patch over the holes & buggy features in Internet Explorer's rendering engine. It seems most of them have some overlapping or incomplete feature support and it's hard to decide what to use:
- DD_Roundies: border-radius
- Fetchak ie-css3: border-radius, box-shadow, text-shadow emulation using VML
- Keith Clark's ie-css3: advanced selector support
- CSS3 PIE: border-radius, box-shadow, border-image, multiple background images, linear-gradient as background image, rgba
- IE PNG Fix: Alpha-transparent PNG support using AlphaImageLoader
- DD Belated PNG Fix: Alpha-transparent PNG support using VML
- Dean Edwards IE[7-9].js: advanced selectors, alpha-transparent PNG, position:fixed, min/max-width/height, box-sizing
- eCSStender: css3 selectors
- Selectivizr: css3 selectors
Please add to this list if you have any more: this is a community wiki.
Which are your preferred scripts? What are the benefits & limitations & gotchas?
Update: these scripts are now commonly called "Polyfills"