
I have a remote debian 8 server with GlassFish 4.1.1 running fine. - Admin console through port 4848 works fine. - Deployments through admin console work fine.

I have a local NetBeans 8.1 I.D.E and local glassfish-4.1.1 to test applications.

Now I want to bind remote GlassFish server to my I.D.E. to deploy applications and test it remotely in one click.

I did the regular process, running NetBeans as administrator :

Services>Servers>Add Server>Remote Domain

And filled up :

  • domain with domain1 (default glassfish domain actually running)
  • host with my server ip
  • DAS port : 4848
  • HTTP port : 8080 (default)
  • userName with glassfish admin user
  • password with glassfish admin password.

Now the server is added to NetBeans, though showing not running.

Right-click>view console says "Server must be running to view admin console"

Deploying a test app print error : "Deployment error: Starting of server GlassFish Server is not supported. Please, start the server manually. See the server log for details."

How to success to bind NetBeans I.D.E. to a remote glassfish server? I tried running NetBeans as administrator. I'm running remote GlassFish with enable-secure-admin.

Any luck with getting this to work with 8.x yet? Have you tried this with payara? I'm getting the same issues...this seems so basic.wsaxton

2 Answers


I guess you forgot to enable secure-admin.

Try the following:

asadmin change-admin-password
asadmin enable-secure-admin
asadmin stop-domain
asadmin start-domain

See also:


If you are running remote GlassFish with enable-secure-admin, then you need to make sure you can connect to your remote server by verifying it from command line or browser in case other problem such as firewall etc.