
our customer want's to have a BLE (ibeacon or eddystone) based indoor navigation / wayfinding (turn-by-turn navigation) in his shopping mall app (ios/ android).

he has already uploaded and created all floor plans/ indoor maps here:

the idea is, to equip the mall floors with BLE devices and use them as non-gps-trigger for a indoor position which will be shown on the already uploaded floor plans/ indoor maps.

Or should i equip the floors with BLE devices and use the Google Maps Floor Plan Marker once again ? Because google says:

To further improve location information, Google periodically sends in-field operators into some stores to run scans. Operators use the Floor Plan Marker app to scan for publicly available information, like Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth BLE, and cell tower signals.

Source: https://support.google.com/maps/answer/2803784?co=GENIE.Platform%3DiOS&hl=en

How can this be work ?

Never though that google will do that for you...Nanoc
how do you mean ? is there a solution already exists ? in case yes, which one ?blub
Exactly the opposite, i always thought that you need to do it yourself.Nanoc

1 Answers


I think the gps in google map is not accurate.

Estimote indoor SDK would be the way you can try.

Reference: http://developer.estimote.com/indoor/

P.S. Estimote is one type of beacon that can emit BLE