
I am following the MobileFirst containers tutorial: https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/tutorials/en/foundation/7.1/ibm-containers/run/

I have already created mobilefirst project. Now I want to use that project war file. As per above link, all installation process is done. Now I am facing an issue while running the scripts. When I try to run prepareserverdbs.sh it asks me to specify the name of my Bluemix application (mandatory). Which name should I provide there?

I tried with same war file name which I created but its throwing The Bluemix application Test was not found. I have already copied war file in usr/projects folder.


1 Answers


I guess you skipped step 3: Using the configuration files. If you choose to run the scripts interactively, you can skip the configuration but it is strongly suggested to at least read and understand the arguments you will need to provide (in the prepareserverdbs.properties collapse you can find instructions how to create a database service).

In order to create a database service and bind it to a Bluemix application, go to the Bluemix Dashboard, create a new Cloud Foundry application and follow the instructions:

  1. Choose "web".
  2. Choose the Liberty for Java option.
  3. Name your app. Note: Choose a unique name.
  4. Click on the "view app overview" button.
  5. In the overview page click on the "add a service or API" button.
  6. Choose a DB service type (sqldb, cloudantNoSQLDB) from the Data and Analytics services section.
  7. Name the service and click on the "create" button