we have secured our application using Azure AD + OpenID connect. The client application is developed in Angular and we are using 'angular-adal' library for integrating with azure ad. So whenever client makes api call to the server, it automatically includes bearer token in the request header. ( on the server we have 'passport-azure-ad' node library which validates the token)
We have download file functionality which is currently implemented as blow
$scope.getURL = function (reportId) {
return '/api/reports/download/' + reportId;
<form method="get" action="{{getURL(row.id)}}">
<button class="btn btn-link" type="submit">Download Results</button>
However it does not include the bearer token in the request when i click on download button, so server returns not authorized error. How do i included token in the request? whats the best way?
As per the recommendation by Angular ADAL library, we can secure the route by setting 'requiredADLogin' property to true in $routeProvider. Like below
when("/todoList", {
controller: "todoListController",
templateUrl: "/App/Views/todoList.html",
requireADLogin: true
I am using $stateProvider. I have set the states for all other html page routes with 'requiredADLogin', and that works fine. How do i set $stateProvider for API route. My Download url is
requests. – Kyle