I have a portfolio of 5 stocks for which I want to find an optimal mix of minimizing portfolio variance and maximizing expected future dividends. The latter is from analysts forecasts. My problem is that I know how to solve an minimum variance problem but I am not sure how to put the quadratic form into the right matrix form for the objective function of quadprog.
The standard minimum variance problem reads
Min! ( portfolio volatility )
has the 252 daily returns of the five stocks,d
has the expected yearly dividend yields ( where firm_A
pays 1 %, firm_B
pays 2 % etc, )
and I have programmed it as follows
dat = rep( rnorm( 10, mean = 0, sd = 1 ), 252*5 )
r = matrix( dat, nr = 252, nc = 5 )
d = matrix( c( 1, 2, 1, 2, 2 ) )
# Dmat (covariance) and dvec (penalized returns) are generated easily
risk.param = 0.5
Dmat = cov(r)
dvec = matrix(colMeans(r) * risk.param)
# The weights sum up to 1
n = 5
A = matrix( rep( 1, n ), nr = n )
b = 1
meq = 1
res = solve.QP( Dmat, dvec, A, b, meq = 1 )
Obviously, the returns in r
a standard normal, hence each stocks gets about 20% weight.
How can I account for the fact that firm_A
pays a dividend of 1, firm_B
a dividend of 2, etc?
The new objective function reads:
Max! ( 0.5 * Portfolio_div - 0.5 * Portfolio_variance )
but I don't know how to hard-code it. The portfolio variance was easy to put into Dmat
but the new objective function has the Portfolio_div
element defined as Portfolio_div = w * d
where w
has the five weights.
Thanks a lot.
Maybe it makes sense to add a higher-level description of the problem:
I am able to use a minimum-variance optimization with the code above. Minimizing the portfolio variance means optimizing the weights on the variace-covariance matrix Dmat
(of dimension 5x5). However, I want to add an additional part to the optimization, which are the dividends in d
multiplied with the weights (hence of dimension 5x1). The same weights are also used for Dmat
How can I add the vector d
to the code?
I guess the answer is to simply use
dvec = -1/d
as I maximize expected dividends by minimizing the inverse of the negative.
Could someone please tell me if that's right?