
I have several date parameters in my SSRS report. I check "Allow null value" and "No default value". When I preview the report in Visual Studio, the NULL checkbox next to the date is checked, just what I want. However, when I run this same report in the browser, the NULL checkboxes are NOT checked. If I specify a default value of (Null) I get the same exact results.

  1. Why the different behaviors?
  2. How do I force the NULL boxes to be checked no matter where the report runs?

3 Answers


Did some more digging and found this answer that solved the problem. Apparently the server is not smart enough and has to manually be set.

Null checkboxes are not checked on load of SSRS report in browser. Why?


I believe you just need to set the Default value to NULL to make it work the way you expect.

enter image description here


You must have to check parameters on report server and make sure Has Default is checked along with the Null.

enter image description here