
I am attempting to create a maze program in Prolog, whereby the aim is to find a route from the start of the maze to a point in the centre of the maze called m. The maze consists of squares which are connected using one of four colours: Blue, Green, Purple or Orange. The route from start to the centre follows a repeating pattern of the four colours.

I have created the following code:

link2(A, Colour, B) :- link(A, Colour, B).       
link2(A, Colour, B) :- link(B, Colour, A).


route(A, Colour1, B, List2) :-
    link2(A, Colour1, B),
    append([A], [B], List2).
route(A, Colour1, B, List2) :-
    link2(A, Colour1, X),
    append([A], List, List2),
    \+ member(A, List),
    route(X, Colour2, B, List).

For some reason, the code isn't working as expected and I'm not sure why. I have a feeling its something to do with the negation(not member) rule but can someone advise what I'm doing wrong?

What is it doing, and what were you expecting?Scott Hunter
Use maplist(dif(A), Ls) to express, in a purely logical way, that A is not in the list Ls.mat
I'm aiming for the prolog to print out the route from start to m, however, when I run the trace, Prolog asks whether start is a member of a list which is just a variable, _G449 so returns > Exit: (8) lists:member(start, [start|_G452]) ? creep. Exit means success, but since we have “not member” in this instance, exiting member successfully means to fail here. "Not member" should only fail if the program comes back to a square that has already been visited.m.lewis1995
No, you'd replace \+ member(A, List) with maplist(dif(A), List).lurker
@lurker There are definitely many answers on SO by mat, false, repeat that use this idiom.user1812457

1 Answers


You defined changecolour and never used it; you used nextcolour but never defined it.